
RANK: Genus

TAXONOMY: cellular organisms -> Bacteria -> Proteobacteria -> Alphaproteobacteria -> Rhizobiales -> Bradyrhizobiaceae -> Blastobacter


Cells ovoid rods, wedge or club shaped, or pleomorphic, often slightly curved and occasionally branched. Cell poles are rounded or slightly tapering on one pole. Cell size range is 0.5–1.0 × 1.0–4.5 µm. Cells may form rosettes. Gram negative. New cell formation and multiplication occur by budding on the free cell pole, subpolarly or laterally. Young buds initially rod shaped, ovoid, or spherical to oblong. Buds may be released or remain attached. Motile, flagellated swarmer cells may occur in some species. Do not form spores or cysts. Some strains produce large amounts of exopolymer. Grow in liquids as turbidity, pellicle, or precipitate. Colony pigmentation may be yellow, or colorless, becoming brown in older cultures.The mol% G + C of the DNA is: 59–69. Type species: Blastobacter henricii