Pasteurella pneumotropica

RANK: Species

TAXONOMY: Bacteria -> Proteobacteria -> Gammaproteobacteria -> Pasteurellales -> Pasteurellaceae -> Pasteurella -> Pasteurella pneumotropica


Pasteurella pneumotropica is a short rod or coccobacillus with a size of 0.5 by 1.2 micrometers on average. It produces acid but not gas through using dextrose, glycerol, inositol, lactose, maltose, and mannose. It is oxidase- and catalase-positive and is able to reduce nitrate to nitrite (Charles River Lab). It is suggested that the strongly hydrophilic capsule found on P. multocida aides in the protecting the bacteria against dehydration and improves transmission from host to host and survival in the environment. In addition, it as been observed that encapsulated strains are more resistant to phagocytosis than those without a capsule; they are also much more virulent in mice than their nonencapsulated relatives (Prokaryotes).

Catalase producer
Substrates/ Growth Factors
  • D-Mannose
  • L-Tryptophan
  • D-Maltose
  • D-Lactose

  • Metabolic Endproducts
  • Indole