RaoultellaRANK: GenusTAXONOMY: cellular organisms -> Bacteria -> Proteobacteria -> Gammaproteobacteria -> Enterobacteriales -> Enterobacteriaceae -> Raoultella OVERVIEW: The genus Raoultella is composed of Gram-negative, oxidase-negative, aerobic, nonmotile, capsulated, facultatively anaerobic rods (formerly designated Klebsiella) in the family Enterobacteriaceae. It is named after the French bacteriologist Didier Raoult.Members of genus Raoultella grow at 10 °C consistent with their recovery from plants, soil, and water, whereas members of Klebsiella (Klebsiella oxytoca is an exception, and a proposal to classify K. oxytoca in a separate, unnamed genus has been made.] do not grow at 10 °C and are mainly recovered from mammals' mucosae.[citation needed] It consists of species Raoultella ornitholytica, Raoultella planticola and Raoultella terrigena.[3] This genus contains microbial species that can reside in the human gastrointestinal tract. [PMC 4262072]