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ACCELERANT: Etiome and diseaseome causation

The ACCELERANT app interprets client genome data against two databases: one tracking etiology (the Etiome) and another cross-referencing etiology with disease (Diseasesome).

Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to human diseases. Most common diseases are influenced by a large number of genetic and environmental factors, most of which individually have only a modest effect on the disease. Etiologies of human diseases include factors which are both genetic and non-genetic (here considered as 'environmental' in the broadest sense), such as behaviors and chemical exposures. ACCELERANT defines 'disease' broadly, including syndromes, accidents, and conditions. It displays potentially causative or contributory factors that might compromise or otherwise interact with other therapies or strategies. One could even speculate that these results constitute a type of 'therapeutic order,' highlighting factors that might need to be addressed even prior to addressing viable pathology.

Getting around in ACCELERANT

From the 'Informatics' link on the main menu, hover over 'Analytics' until a second menu list appears, then select ACCELERANT. You will then be presented with the default table, which shows 'everything' and is sorted by the 'Magnitude' column. Like most data-driven apps in Opus 23 Pro, ACCELERANT uses a filterable/sortable table to display its data. At the bottom of the window is a jump table that allows you to move from one screen to the next. You can control how many rows to display by selecting an option from the 'Show' pull down menu. The default is 15.

Filtering and sorting results

As you can see there are over 160+ pages of etiology data in ACCELERANT, making grinding through the data impractical. To deal with large amounts of data, ACCELERANT features a 'filterable' display. Type full or partial search terms into the search box at the upper left hand corner and ACCELERANT immediately displays only those results. Click on any column title to sort by that column. Click that column again to reverse the sort order. Click on the NOTEPAD icon to add or edit a note for that etiologic factor.

Besides the tag and notation fields, each row displays the following data on etiologic factors, the ACCELERANT table displays the following data by column:
  • Etiologic factor: A causative or potentially contributive factor
  • Magnitude: The significance of the etiologic factor. These are indexed relative to the highest-ranking result, which is assigned an impact of 100, all subsequent impact factors being scaled to that
  • Aggregate Magnitude: The total magnitude value
  • Causal Genes: The implicated genes
Clicking on the gene symbol will bring up the information pop-up for that gene. If you want to create a note for the gene, click on it to open up its information pop-up, then press the 'Add/Edit' button.