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Unlike most conventional genomic reporting software, which more or less provides basic interpretation of raw genomic data typically displayed as some form of a table, Opus 23 Pro was designed from the beginning for function as an Interactive Development Environment, or IDE. The IDE concept is common in software development, and simply signifies that, in addition to its simple display, data can be additionally processed, interpreted and enriched by further human-computer interaction. The goal of Opus 23 Pro is to display data contextually and imaginatively so that you can draw the necessary conclusions. The result is a powerful synthesis of precision medicine, clinical experience and bioinformatics heretofore unseen in nutritional genomics.

Let's introduce a powerful concept that ties everything together: Curation.

Much like a museum's contents are codified, inventoried and displayed based on the skills and experience of the museum curator, Opus 23 Pro allows the clinician considerable flexibility with regards to how, why, and if its data is displayed to the client. Curation allows you to enrich virtually any aspect of Opus 23 Pro with your recommendations, observations and cautions.

The Curation Process
The curation process is designed to integrate seamlessly into the Opus 23 Pro workflow. All curation apps are accessed via the "Client Curation' submenu which is available from the main menu 'Curation' pull-down menu.

Client Report Curations

You curate Opus 23 data via the curation apps, which then get routed to the Client Report. The Client Report is built around three classes of curation data:

  • Dataset-based curations: Three curation apps (Genomic Curator, Protocol Curator and Algorithm Curator) can have multiple datasets; the 'active' dataset is the one used for the Client Report. You select the active dataset from their respective editors.
  • Run-time curations: Two curations (Food Curator and Agent Curator run from the current selections in their respective editors.
  • Auto-generated curations: Pharmacogenomic and Etiologic curations are automatically generated.

Routing Curation Data to the Client Report
The Client Report Router is where you decide which curation elements should be sent on to the Client Report. It is available from the 'Curations' menu onthe top nav bar.

Tick the curations you want to send to the client report and press 'Save Settings.' Available curations are outlined in green. If a particular curation is unavailable, it will be outlined in orange. If you like to avoid printing the complete introductory text, tick the box marked 'Print Abbreviated Report Header.'